Question : Why Are Fat People Good at Singing?

Why are fat people so good at singing?
Is it because they have super natural stomach power that regular people don’t possess?
I would think that fat people have a harder time singing because of breath control..
But it seems as if their voice is a lot more powerful and stronger than the regular folks.

Anyone care to share some insight on this matter?

And…since J-Hud and Adele are now thin, how come they still get to keep their voice?

Would You Rather? Fat Chicks Who Lost Weight Edition.

Personally I’d go with Jennifer Hudson. Just cause I’ve never been with a black chick before and I can cross if off my list, but then again I’ve never been with a mexican-italian before either. Another thing is Snooki is annoying as shit. I can’t fucking stand her. She makes up all this shit in her head and makes the whole Jersey Shore house extra drama-y. Her voice would just give me limp dick every time I heard it. Jennifer Hudson on the other hand. Wow. Before she was land whale with amazing talent, now she’s hot singer I’d marry.